10 Must-Haves for 3-6 Months of Age

February 18, 2019


The difference 3 months can make is pretty crazy. From the age of 3 months to the age of 6 months baby’s grow and change so much. Your baby is most likely sitting up by 6 months, may have a tooth or on their way to getting one and has possibly began to start eating solid/puréed foods. Some of these items may seem obvious but these are the top 10 items we found to be helpful during this stage of our baby’s life.

1. High Chair

When your little one starts to eat puréed foods or solid food (whichever you decide) you’re going to need one of these. Some people opt for a super fancy chair, we opted for easy to clean and easy to fold and put away if needed. This is not the exact highchair we chose for our little one but it’s very similar. (And it’s priced great!)

2. Bowls, Utensils, Sippy Cups

Now that you’re little one is starting to eat more foods you’ll need all the utensils and baby dinnerware to go along with it. Some of our favorite items are:

  • Suction bowls – Suction bowls are a great way to simple keep the food on the tray. Both of these sets are microwave and dishwasher safe and BPA free. We love this set with lids by BabieB and this set by Munchkin.
  • Utensils – We have a few different types of utensils for our baby. We really love the Munchkin White Hot Safety Spoons because they turn white if the baby food is too hot.
  • Sippy Cups – The sippy cups that were recommended by our pediatrician were the Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer Cups. They have handles for your baby to easily hold and your baby can sip from any side of the cup to get a drink. Oh an they’re pretty much spill proof!

3. Skip Hop Saucer

By 4 months of age our little one was holding his head up very well and was ready to hang out in his play Skip Hop Saucer. We selected this particular saucer because it had all the senses covered and it also turns into a table for when the baby becomes a toddler.

4. Bath Seat

By 5 – 5 1/2 months of age our baby had grown out of his infant tub. We transitioned him into the adult tub using the Summer Infant Bath Seat. This seat is suggested for babies who can sit up.

5. Baby Food Containers

Around month 6 our baby began to eat puréed food. I also started making some of his food for him. These baby food containers by OXO are AMAZING and affordable. Click here to read more about how and why I decided to make our own baby food.

6. Bandana Bibs

If you have a baby between the ages of 3-6 months your most likely dealing with a TON of drool and bandana bibs save you from changing your baby’s outfit 50 times a day. I tried a few different brands and found that Copper Pearl Bandana Bibs are by far the best in fit, comfort and getting the job done.

7. Teething Toys

If you have a baby between the ages of 3-6 months your also most likely dealing with a teething baby. Get yourself lots and lots of teething toys. As each baby is different our little one particularly loves these:

  • Feeder Teether – These are perfect to add some frozen fruit and veggies in and let your baby chomp on.
  • Fruitsicle Pop Tray – I’ve made my little one some frozen yogurt pops and frozen fruit and veggie pops. They’re easy for him to hold and help a lot with his sore gums.
  • Teething Ring Rattle – Our little guy loves to play and chew on this. It’s an easy travel toy too!
  • Nuby Silicon Teether – These are easy for your little one to hold and the bristle are great for massaging baby’s gums.

8. Walker

I am also suggesting a walker even though I have the saucer on this list. If you live in a multi-level house it’s much easier to have 1 on each floor. We keep our son’s Joovy Walker on our bottom floor that way there are no stairs. The Joovy Walker is adjustable in height and the tray is large for toys, snacks, etc. I bought a few different Sassy Suction Cup Toys to go with it. These are really great for any

9. Musical Toys

Our little guy loves music. Some of his favorite musical toys are the Baby Einstein Music Explorer and Fisher Price BeatsBo. These two toys are sure to keep your little one busy and learning.

10. Lovevery Play Gym

We LOVE the Lovevery Play Gym. It can grow with your little one, has multiple sensory and stimulation aspects. It’s perfect for tummy time and converts to a play fort when your little one gets older. It also comes with a booklet with tons of suggestions on how to play and learn with your little one through out many different stages.

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