10 must-haves for 0-3 months of age

October 24, 2018

newborn photo shoot, baby boy

As a first-time mom in 2018 there are so many options and opinions. Here are my top 10 first time mom must-haves for 0-3 months of age.

1. Muslin Swaddles

Our son actually did not like being swaddled. BUT we use these for burp cloths, blankets, covering the car seat/stroller and so much more. Some of my favorite brands of swaddles are petite haven, peri cotton, aden + anias and little unicorn. I had these beautiful patterns from aden + anias on my registry. We used all three of them in our newborn photo shoot.

2. Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play

If you’ve met another parent chances are they love and swear by the Fisher Price Rock ‘n Play. We opted for the premium one. You can control it via an app on your phone, it’s priced right, has multiple options on speed, sound and plays cute little “movies” aka pictures on the retractable screen.

3. Baby Aquaphor

As a first time mom I have been crazy about every little baby rash, baby acne and any change that has happened to my son. I’ve used Baby Aquaphor on diaper rash, dry check, baby acne and neck rolls. It has help with it all! But as always please check with your doctor before using any product on your baby.

4 & 5. Pampers Swaddlers Diapers & Pampers Aqua Pure Wipes

We tried many different brands of diapers and we settled on Pampers Swaddlers. They’re much softer than the other brands we tried and we loved the blue line that shows when the baby is wet. We also love Pampers Aqua Pure Wipes. They were thicker and softer than other brands we tried. They also do not leave lint on our babe. The best part? They are 99% water.  Pampers also has a rewards program! You can download the app for free here.

6. Book Bag Diaper Bag

Do yourself a favor and get yourself a Book Bag Diaper Bag by Land.  It come’s in multiple colors, has plenty of compartments and is easy to carry. Not to mention it’s much more stylish than clunky patterned shoulder bags. When carrying your babe in the car seat, shopping or pushing a stroller it’s much easier to have your hands free.

7. Jogging Stroller

Although, we love our travel system we LOVE our jogging stroller even more. It’s perfect for the outdoors and makes for a smooth ride for our little one. It not allow is compatible with our car seats but also grows with our little one. I highly recommend the Chicco TRE Jogging Stroller.

8. Sensory Toys

Our son has loved playing with sensory toys during his first few months. Sensory toys are designed to engage a child both cognitively and physically by stimulating one of more of the five senses (taste, touch, smell, sound and sight). We’ve really enjoy using toys such as, Infantino Go GaGa Mirror Pal, for hand-eye coordination.

9. Hatch baby rest night light & Sound machine

Once our son started sleeping in his room we started using Hatch Baby Rest Night Light & Sound Machine. It’s features include: the ability to change the light’s colors, dim the light, multiple different sounds and settings. And you can control it right from your cell phone using bluetooth.

10. Sleepers (that unzip from the bottom up)

In the beginning, you’ll be changing diapers often so you’ll want something easy to handle at night. Stay away from the dreaded snaps especially with a crying baby! We really love the Cloud Island Zip Sleep ‘N Play sets from Target. They come in packs of 3 and are super affordable. We’ve continued to buy them in multiple sizes because they are so easy to use at night.